CSR Helping your dreams become a reality.


Emami Realty is committed to be a good corporate citizen, not only with respect to compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, but also by actively assisting in the improvement of the quality of life of the people in the communities in which it operates through planned CSR interventions.

As an organisation we believe in ‘giving back to society at large through sustainable partnership with our external stake holders by improving their quality of life’.

Corporate CSR activities will have:

  • Free medical/health check up camps, blood donation camps and eye check up camps.
  • Mid-day meals to Municipal/ Government schools
  • Merit scholarship for vocational training of needy and meritorious students
  • Distribution of books in nearby schools to needy students
  • Events for promotion of the objectives of National Environmental Policy 2006 such as World
  • Events for promotion of World Environment Day on June 5
  • Events for promotion of sports and culture

Project Site CSR activities will have:

  • Initiatives for under privileged children in project catchment area
  • Subsidized canteen facility for labour
  • Conducting Free Medical Camp for labour
  • Plantation of new trees, maintaining old trees in project catchment area
  • Provision of water kiosks in surrounding areas
  • Provision of waste collection bins in surrounding areas of project site
  • Beautification of the pavements in project catchment area
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